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Spring Blogger Recruitment: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Posted by on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 in Blog, College Life, General Information, Student Life.

As Spring Break is just a mere 3 days and one midterm from my grasp, I’ve been busy working on a few other things besides just studying. One of these things is Inside ‘Dores Spring Recruitment!

That’s right! As Recruitment Chair for Inside ‘Dores, I get the awesome opportunity to figure out how we’re going to market around campus to let people know that they too can be bloggers. Last year, I found out about blogging for Vanderbilt through a tweet that Vanderbilt had re-tweeted, and it’s been an awesome experience to be a part of since! I get to write about my daily life (as a Creative Writing major, that comes relatively naturally), share how awesome Vanderbilt is, and even potentially get paid!

Basically, in case you can’t tell by the excessive amount of exclamation points I’ve used (four so far), I love blogging! And that’s why Inside ‘Dores recruitment is extra awesome– I get to find other people who want to blog too!

Which brings me to the main point of this post–if you’re reading this and currently a Vanderbilt student, you have the opportunity to apply to be a blogger this year! If you’re reading this and you’re hoping to one day be a Vanderbilt student (and an Inside ‘Dore), you can preview what a blogger application might look like!

You’ll find our application by going here: (how cool is our URL?!) Applications are due by March 28th at 4:00pm, but you can turn them in any time before then, so get started now!

If you have any questions (blog-related or Vanderbilt-related), feel free to e-mail me at or contact anyone else on our exec board, which includes Eileen, Morgan, and Ryan. I hope to read your Inside ‘Dores application!

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