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Radnor Lake

Posted by on Sunday, February 19, 2012 in College Life, Nashville, Student Life.

This weekend, the weather was a little dreary, but Saturday was pretty warm, so I decided to take a hike at nearby Radnor Lake.Radnor Lake is a state park about ten miles away from Vanderbilt. My friends and I walked through the four mile trail, which led us up the mountain and then down around the lake. It was absolutely beautiful. I found comfort in knowing that we have such beautiful natural landmarks so close to campus. Sometimes, it is nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

I have a busy few weeks coming up, so I used my hike on Saturday morning to clear my mind and organize my thoughts. I also got to play with the dogs who accompanied their owners on the hike. (I love dogs. I am counting down the days until I can see mine again!)

I definitely recommend spending the day at Radnor Lake. After, you could try lunch on 12th Avenue South, or go for some ice cream from Las Paletas. It’s so close to Vanderbilt’s campus and it is not a strenuous hike at all!

In other news, tomorrow my biology lab is going to the park to collect our first water samples! I am really excited and I plan on posting all about it. Wish me luck as I collect macroinvertebrates from the bottom of Nashville’s streams!

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