Winter Break 2012
I apologize for the brief blogging hiatus. I am currently sitting in my dorm room having just returned to Nashville this morning. I am ecstatic to be back, but my winter break was nearly perfect (if only the DORES would have won the Liberty Bowl).My winter break started on December 18th. I had the last final, which was on the 17th at 3 pm. It was my biology exam. In truth, I needed the extra time to study and many of my friends are in my bio class, so I was not alone. My friends and I had a relaxing night before going our separate ways for the holidays.
Once I got home, I spent time with my family and friends. I always find it interesting to compare my college experience with those of my high school friends. We are all having unique experiences, and sometimes, I wonder whether we would all be friends had we met in college. Regardless, I enjoyed their company this vacation and I am desperately trying to get them all to come visit for Rites of Spring.
On Christmas Eve, my parents, sister, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins boarded a cruise. The 7-night cruise sailed around the Western Caribbean. We didn’t have internet or cell phones, so we were able to indulge in forced family fun. I got sun, ate too much and sang karaoke with my cousins. All in all, it was a great week.
Our cruise returned to Miami on New Year’s Eve. Needless to say, my NYE was extremely low key. It’s amazing how tiring cruising actually is!
For the next few days, I packed and got ready for the coming semester. I am so excited for this semester. Every semester thus far has been my best one yet, so I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me this spring!