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First Week of Class!

Posted by on Thursday, January 12, 2012 in Academics, Admissions Links, College Life, General Information, Student Life.

The first week of classes, also known as “syllabus week”, is the week where everyone tries to figure out their schedule, and I am often known to go to as many as six classes in a day to try and figure out which ones I like!

We register for classes using Y.E.S., which stands for Your Enrollment Services. This system is brand spanking new- it was introduced in my Sophomore year at Vanderbilt (I still remember OASIS… not so good), and has been making the lives of Vanderbilt students better ever since.

Seriously though, it is just another way that our voices as students are heard- the Administration (housed in Kirkland Hall) knew everyone was frustrated with the old system, and out of the complaints came Y.E.S.

You enroll for classes during an enrollment period, which is done by age- so Seniors register first, then Juniors, then Sophomores, and then Freshmen. Y.E.S. also takes into account your major and minors when registering; for example, I would have priority getting into an upper level Political Science class because I am a Political Science Minor than someone who was looking to take the class as an elective. All in all, the system is pretty fair.

You can Enroll in classes, Drop classes, get on the Wait list for classes, and use the functions such as “Drop If Enrolled” or “Swap” classes. I currently am enrolled in 4/5 classes that I need for the semester, and I am going to the fifth one today to talk to the Professor (I’m on the waiting list!)

Hope you have learned a little bit about Enrollment!! Here’s to a great Semester!

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