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Sunday Funday

Posted by on Monday, December 5, 2011 in Athletics, College Life, Dining, Food, General Information, Nashville, Student Life.

Yesterday was such a great day filled with on-campus activities. Currently counting down to final exam week, I decided that yesterday was going to be a day of fun, friends, and minimal studying (I may pay for that last part later). My day started with brunch at Bruegger’s bagels, which is located on 21st Ave S, just across from Central Library. My friend and I chose to eat at Bruegger’s because it is one of the thirty restaurants in the Taste of Nashville program. Basically, Vanderbilt students can use our meal plans at thirty restaurants off campus and Bruegger’s is one of them. It was so nice to catch up with my friend uninterrupted and with a change of scenery. You know how much I love Vanderbilt dining, but it the change of scenery is much appreciated every once in a while.

After brunch, I did some Sunday cleaning and then went for a run around the Vandy loop, which is the perimeter of campus. It was quite overcast yesterday, but I was able to run in shorts because yesterday’s high was over 60 degrees. If only the warmth would last!

The real fun began at 6 PM, when my friends and I went to the Football Bowl Announcement Party. If you haven’t heard, Vanderbilt will be taking on the Cincinnati Bearcats in the Liberty City Bowl on New Year’s Eve. The announcement party was awesome. The team and all of the coaches were there, along with university administration and representatives from the Liberty Bowl. It was pep-rally, complete with the band, cheerleaders and popcorn, cake, and hot chocolate. The room was jam packed with students, alumni and Vanderbilt fans from the Nashville community. I just love Vanderbilt football and it is such a great time to be a part of the program.

After the Bowl Announcement Party, I went to “Vanderbilt Knows,” a benefit dinner for Vanderbilt Blood: Water Mission. BWM is an on campus organization that spreads HIV/AIDS awareness and raises money to provide clean water in Africa. The dinner celebrated AIDS awareness day with speakers, a capella and authentic Ethiopian food. My best friends are heavily involved in BWM, so I went to support them. I enjoyed myself more than I expected I would and I learned a lot.

My night ended with the Vanderbilt Melodores concert. The concert was AMAZING, but I don’t want to say too much, just in case Melodores TC and Nathan want to give you an inside perspective. I will say that it was the perfect ending to an awesome day!

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