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My Favorite Semester

Posted by on Monday, December 19, 2011 in Athletics, College Life, General Information.

Time flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was packing my stuff and heading to Nashville to begin my second year. Today, I am sitting in the beautiful Miami sun (sorry to brag) relaxing after my most amazing (and most challenging) semester at Vanderbilt.This year, my best friend Glori and I decided to live together. We have been perfect room mates. We are almost always on the same sleep schedule, so every night before bed, we listen to our special song. We hardly ever fight. Our only significant fight of the year was about Tim Tebow. Regardless, living with my best friend has been great, but I think that it was better for both of us to develop our separate entities last year, as opposed to living together from the start of college.

This semester has also been my favorite semester because this football season was so different from last season. First and foremost, our football team was competitive. We didn’t win them all, but we absolutely competed in all of our games and they were fun to watch. In case you haven’t heard, the Commodores are bowl bound! They will be taking on the Cincinnati Bearcats in the Liberty Bowl on New Year’s Eve. This football season was also so much better than last because I had a solid group of friends to join me at the games. Last year, everything was so new and overwhelming. I didn’t know anybody, so I didn’t know where to tailgate, with whom to go to the games and where to sit. This year, my group of friends had our routine and football made Saturday the best day of the week,

This semester was my hardest semester by far. I took five classes and two labs. I was physically in class for much longer than most of my friends and a majority of my free time was spent studying. It was all worth it, though. I just got my last grade in and all of my hard work definitely paid off!

Even if at times, I thought that I wouldn’t survive, I would do it all again if I could stay at Vandy for an extra semester. This year has been absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me in the spring.

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