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Christmastime is here!

Posted by on Friday, December 9, 2011 in Academics, College Life, Dining, Food, Student Life.

I love the holiday season–despite the fact it means finals are here, it also means that lots of fun things are happening around the Vanderbilt campus and everything is decorated and cheery! Here are a few of my favorite things about Christmastime at Vanderbilt:

1. The weather! I’m from southwest Florida, and while I love that it rarely gets below 70 there, I do enjoy getting to curl up in a cozy sweater when things get chilly here at Vandy. It hasn’t snowed yet, but the temperatures have been dropping so I’ve gotten a chance to wear the comfy sweaters, coats, and scarves that don’t get pulled out at home in Florida.

2. Warm beverages. I’m a huge coffee fan (college has made me even more of one) and the cold weather also provides an excuse to head to the bookstore Starbucks to grab some coffee and a delicious cranberry bliss bar (also a perk of this time of year).

Starbucks and the last bit of a cranberry bliss bar--yum!

3. Broomball. Once a semester, Rolling Hills Community Church hosts a game of broomball at an ice rink in Franklin (you might remember I mentioned it here). This semester was no exception– I think I’ve improved since the last time I played.

Ashlin and I, clearly with our game faces, before broomball.

4. Holiday food. Rand’s annual Holiday Feast happens and there seems to be a plethora of cookies and coffee around finals week. Plus, baking Christmas cookies always makes for an excellent study break!

The plethora desserts Caitlyn and I shared at Rand's Holiday Feast.

These are just a few of the many wonderful things about winter here at Vanderbilt.

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