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All of the Lights…

Posted by on Saturday, December 10, 2011 in General Information, Nashville, Student Life, Studying, Winter Break.

Last night, I took what was probably one of my favorite study breaks. We got together a group from the Vanderbilt BCM to go see the lights at the Opryland Hotel. For anyone who’s never been, every year around Christmas the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Resort decks out its property in Christmas decorations and lights.

The inside of the hotel is already really cool– it’s like a tropical garden, complete with waterfalls, fish ponds, and more! This already mystical setup becomes absolutely fantastical with the addition of TONS of Christmas lights. According to one source, over 2 million lights are used to create the twinkling display. The best part? Admission is free!

So, we piled into cars and set out to the Opryland hotel, which is conveniently less than half an hour away. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, but believe me when I say nothing is more stress relieving than wandering around a huge hotel filled with Christmas lights for an hour!

Afterwards, we headed away from this mystical world and back into the not-so-mystical world of finals studying. The study break trip to Opryland, however, is definitely a yearly tradition that I will be continuing in my time here at Vandy–and if you’re ever visiting around Christmas time, I recommend checking it out!

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