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Vandy Loves T-Swift

Posted by on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 in College Life, Music, Nashville, Student Life.

After the end of freshman year, I realized that I wasn’t taking full advantage of all the opportunities that Music City has to offer. So, this year when I was booking my flights back to school, I checked Ticketmaster to see if there were any good concerts. Sure enough, Taylor Swift was playing at the Bridgestone Arena over parents weekend!

Taylor Swift is probably one of the celebrities around Nashville that Vandy students love the most.  She lives in the penthouse of a high rise apartment building right near campus, so every time students drive by in a Vandy Van they always look up to see if Taylor’s home! Also, she filmed her music video for ‘The Story of Us‘ in Vanderbilt’s very own Central Library last year.  I actually haven’t seen her yet, but I have a lot of friends who’ve just happened to walk into Fido’s in Hillsboro Village to see Taylor sitting in a booth. I even had a friend see her walking outside my dorm on 21st Avenue last year (see below).  …If only I’d gotten my lazy self out of bed and gone to class a little earlier!

I went with a bunch of friends to the concert and we even made our own t-shirts with colored sharpies just for the occasion (see the main photo). I know I was excited, but I’ve got to be honest, I think the boys I went with were the most excited.  I sang along to every song like I was thirteen years old–just like the rest of the audience–but I totally didn’t care. If you ever get the chance to go to one of her concerts, do it!  She’s a phenomenal singer, but also a great performer.

SIDENOTE: Her brother transferred to Vandy this year. So who knows, maybe Taylor will come visit campus more often!

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