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Vanderbilt Reunion

Posted by on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 in College Life, General Information, Student Life.

I could not survive my week at home without a little Vanderbilt reunion. Most of friends from high school don’t get home until later in the week, so yesterday, I decided to spend the day with some of my Vanderbilt friends.To give you all a little bit of Miami geography, I live on Miami Beach. Most of the other kids who go to Vanderbilt from the Miami area live southwest of the beach. This Thanksgiving, one of my great friends from Lexington, Kentucky is spending her break in Miami with her family. Coincidentally, she is staying half way between me and the other Miami girls, so her hotel served as the perfect meeting spot.

The four of us from Miami and our tourist from Kentucky spent the day at the pool and the beach. We soaked up the sun and played in the sand. It was so nice to catch up with the girls. Things got so crazy and hectic the week before Thanksgiving that we hardly saw each other.

Time spent with Vanderbilt friends is very different outside of Vanderbilt. First of all, meeting my friends’ parents is always interesting. Yesterday, I met Julie’s (from Kentucky) father. He was awesome and hilarious. After meeting him, I understand Julie’s sense of humor so much better. It just made me realize that there is so much about my friends in college that I don’t yet know.

My friends and I also talked a lot about our families. We often get so caught up in academics and sports and social commitments, that we forget about our families. At home though, our families are such a presence in some form or another. One of my friends had to leave the pool early for her brother’s basketball game and another told us all about her mom’s Black Friday preparations.

I had such a great day at our little reunion.

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