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The First of Many Holiday Parties

Posted by on Monday, November 28, 2011 in College Life, General Information.

Now that Thanksgiving break is over, in a festive attempt to be productive my friends and I had a holiday-themed study party in the hallway of their dorm. My friends live at the end of a hallway in Hemingway–a residence hall in Kissam Quad–making it a perfect place for us to all study together in the hall without disturbing anyone else’s space.  In a burst of holiday excitement, they hung strings of lights from the ceiling in the hallway near their rooms, complete with a large red bow.  In honor of the hallway-lighting, we had a study party under the twinkle lights, complete with an assortment of snacks and hot cider.  I was actually productive, finishing my reading for my political science class and my French homework.

The next weeks (seventeen days, to be exact) before winter break are going to be tough and pretty stressful, but I’m so thankful for my friends and how even when we all have to study, we can make the time to see each other and hang out while still being fairly productive.  Not only was the study party a good way to be productive, it also gave us all a chance to catch up after we went our separate ways for Thanksgiving break.

They're just pretending not to see me with the camera...

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