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Friends, Family, and a Farm

Posted by on Saturday, November 5, 2011 in College Life, Food.

Yesterday, I took a quick trip to western Kentucky to visit a friend’s farm. It really was a quick trip considering we left Vandy around 2:30 and were back by 9 pm.

A bunch of my housemates had some free time last Friday so we hopped in the car and drove near Scottsville, Kentucky and met our friend Zach’s family. Since Zach lives on a farm, we got the full tour. One friend in particular, Victoria, was amazed by the cows and really wanted to touch one (she could never actually get close enough) so we got a picture. Also, we had to cross this bridge that was literally a fallen log. We were skeptical but the guys went ahead and were fine. I attempted to cross next and made it almost to the end when I stepped on a slippery part and ended up laying on the log and holding on for dear life. Victoria decided to cross “monkey-style” by using her hands to grab on, while our other friend Jelisa flat-out refused and found a crossable portion farther down the stream.

After walking around the farm, we drove to town and explored—we even shopped at the first ever dollar store. Then we came back to Zach’s house for the best meal I’ve had in months! His grandma made a salad and spaghetti, and oreo balls, cheesecake, and a “holy cow” cake for dessert. It was seriously difficult to stop eating when I got really full.

We drove to Vandy afterwards (I had a nice nap in the car) and were back by a reasonable time. Yesterday’s trip was a perfect amount of time, because we got to meet Zach’s family and eat a home-cooked meal, and then come back and sleep in our own beds.

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