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Fall Break with Memaw and Poppa

Posted by on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 in College Life, Fall Break, General Information, Student Life.

I spent fall break on the beautiful Lake Hartwell in Lavonia, Georgia with some of my sorority sisters and our friends at the lake house of my friend Jennifer’s grandparents.  I had never been to Georgia before, and this was an amazing first trip!  We spent four days laying in the sun, swimming in the lake, jet-skiing, tubing, and waterskiing!

I had never driven a jetski, or gone tubing or waterskiing before, so I had so much fun learning. (And I’m pretty sure that my friends enjoyed laughing at my attempts, too.  I only almost capsized the jetski once. Really. And my waterskiing wasn’t too shabby, either.)

One of my favorite parts of the trip was being fed homemade meals (I tried homemade fried chicken for the first time!) and being able to stay in an actual house for the break–even though I wasn’t able to go home, thanks to the generosity of my friend’s grandparents, I was able to go to to someone’s home, which made all the difference.  I love Vanderbilt, but it’s good to get away from campus once in awhile and relax without stressing out about school.

Ever since I’ve gotten back from break, I’ve had a much more positive outlook on the time that’s left before it’s time to go home for Thanksgiving.  I’ve been more motivated to get my work done and manage my time better, and I’m pretty sure that it has everything to do with Fall Break.  So yes, I came back a little more sore and a little more tired than when I left, but spending those days on the lake just having fun was just what I needed to release my stress and get ready to get back into the swing of things at school.

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