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Posted by on Friday, August 26, 2011 in Art, College Life, Diversity, Extracurriculars, General Information, Music, Student Life.

Every year, to conclude the first week of classes, Vanderbilt students put on Spotlight, a showcase of Vanderbilt student performing arts. The show just ended and it was unbelievable!Spotlight was a combination of acts from over 20 different groups on campus. Acts ranged from co-ed a capella to improv comedy, and they were all amazing. The event was mostly to welcome the incoming class and encourage them to explore the performing arts offered at Vanderbilt. I, however, went with my friends because we truly enjoy watching our peers perform.

Attending Spotlight reminded me how lucky I am to be here. Though I may have no creative talent, my peers are incredible. Vanderbilt has a thriving creative arts department. My favorite part about Spotlight is that all of the groups are student-led and volunteer. All of the performers are truly passionate about their groups. It is also so cool to see these students from all four of Vanderbilt’s undergraduate schools come together and get creative.

Only at Vanderbilt do the engineers sing a cappella and the education majors dance hip-hop. (Ok, maybe you can find people with hidden talents at other schools, but I promise, all Vanderbilt students are amazingly talented and unique!)

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