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Running in Nashville

Posted by on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 in Academics, Extracurriculars, General Information, Nashville.

I feel like I’m always in class sometimes. But when I get really stressed out, I go for a run with my best friend, and roommate. No matter where on campus we are, or what project or paper we are working on, we cut an hour out of our days to go run together and destress ourselves. Sometimes I run alone, but some of my favorite runs are when we go together.

We run around West, End, by Centennial Park, and we weave around Hillsboro Village, by the Commons, and we run by Noshville (best deli), and Gigi’s Cupcakes (they pile the icing on so high!!), and we run by Goten (a popular Japanese steakhouse, great for date parties), and then up West End back to campus.

Sometimes I even let her choose where we go…. but because I’m the one with the better sense of direction, I usually lead us. It is so much fun to explore Nashville- sometimes we run down into the Belmont area, and get Las Paletas– yuuuuummmy popsicles! At the end of our run, we usually treat ourselves to tasti-D-lite, or Yogurt Oasis. These are right across from campus, right on West End, so it is a perfect end of run treat. Sometimes, on Sundays, we’ll run into Hillsboro Village and get breakfast at Fido, and then leisurely walk back.

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