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Physics I DONE!

Posted by on Saturday, July 16, 2011 in General Information, Summer.

I know it’s been a while. Sorry for the brief lapse. Since the last time I posted, my first summer session ended. I officially completed Physics I and the lab. I am now taking Physics II and the lab, which will run through the second week of August. Although summer classes are not ideal, and Vanderbilt A&S only allows students to transfer credit for two classes, there are some benefits to taking summer classes.As you know, I am pre-med. Without getting into too many details about the medical school pre-requisites and application process, there are four core science classes that are required by most medical schools and are also tested on the MCAT. I want to get these pre-requisites done as soon as possible so that I can take the MCAT and be able to work on other parts of my application.

Because I am spending my summer taking physics, I can focus on it more than I could if I had a full course load, as well as the other commitments I maintain at Vanderbilt.

I can’t say that this has been the most adventurous summer of my life, but it has been productive and my work will hopefully pay off!

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