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Study Breaks!

Posted by on Friday, April 29, 2011 in Academics, College Life, Student Life.

Finals week has once again struck Vanderbilt as you’ve probably seen from the posts of my fellow bloggers. This, combined with the ever-looming task of packing and making sure everything is in order for the end of the year means that every once and a while, a study break is essential.

Thankfully, I like to think I have discovered the perfect finals week study break. Some of my favorite places to study are the classrooms in Buttrick Hall, which have the benefit of lots of space, sunny windows, and chalkboards to work out those tricky Chemistry problems (thank goodness that final is over!).  They also have projectors, so after obtaining some free coffee from the Last Drop Coffee Shop (another perk of finals week) a few friends and I settled in to watch an episode of Glee.

A little bit of caffeine and some television watching with friends is the perfect cure for the finals-studying blues. With only two finals left, the end of school is in sight!

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