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Post-Exam Present: High Gas Prices..and Summer Jobs!

Posted by on Saturday, April 30, 2011 in General Information.

No but really – I love Vanderbilt’s academic calendar. It couldn’t be more ideal; Start in late August and finish at the end of April. HUGE SUMMER. I literally finished exams yesterday…I finished school in APRIL. Ok I’ll contain my excitement least for now…

The great thing about finishing exams early is I have some free time to relax before starting a busy summer! As a little reward, I took the 550 mile drive home to Apex, NC to see my family and girlfriend. Oh, gas prices. Remember when it actually used to be cheaper to drive somewhere?

While I am SO STOKED to be living in Nashville for the summer, my girlfriend is working in her hometown, so this means we are going to be spending even more time apart. Needless to say, the next few days will be a much needed reunion. College has just made us stronger, though. At this point, we are so accustomed to not seeing each other that we view every opportunity to be together as a blessing.

On to the positive. So ready to start working at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions next week! I will be working with some awesome fellow students, administration and admissions counselors. I’ll be giving tours, manning the front desk..and, well, doing just about anything else that needs to get done. In addition, I am in the interview process to become a server at the TGI Fridays on West End! I really enjoy talking to people way too much…

So much to look forward to, but for now – I’m going to enjoy some quality time with the people that I love. Amidst all the college craziness, try to find some time to do the same! :)