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Laundry Day!

Posted by on Monday, April 25, 2011 in College Life, General Information, Housing, Student Life.

There are two ways to do laundry at Vanderbilt. One, you could go and use the laundry machines conveniently located in the bottom of our dorms, or two, you could avoid learning how to do laundry and use the Laundry Service.

Last week, I decided that I should probabbbly do my laundry. I brought a lot of clothes to school (word to all of my fellow pack rats out there- you will be okay if you leave clothing at home), and so this makes it easy for a few weeks to go by without doing laundry. (Sorry, Mom…) This particular Tuesday, my dear roomie decided to do her laundry too- her laundry day consisted of putting her clothes into her dirty clothes bag, and taking it to the truck parked conveniently outside of Branscomb. She will pick up her bag on Thursday, with freshly folded laundry in neat little plastic packaging. …really, Vanderbilt?

<– Liza’s laundry…

However, my laundry day was a little bit different. I made Liza help me drag my hamper full of laundry down to the basement of Branscomb, and we loaded it into 4 machines.

<–I got two of these monogrammed laundry bags for graduation- I love them, and they definitely come in handy when my laundry piles up…

I swiped my Vandy Card to pay for the laundry, and then came back a half hour later to transfer select items into the dryer (1 dryer for my sheets, towels, sweat shirts and socks), and then brought the rest upstairs to air dry (I hate when my clothes shrink, which sometimes happens). At home, we line dry a lot of our clothes because my mom hates when clothes shrink, too, so we got a drying rack from Bed Bath & Beyond before I came to college- definitely recommend it.

<– Our very messy armoire with clothes drying everywhere…

Here are some FAQ’s about the laundry options… my fellow bloggers do laundry too!

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