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Posted by on Monday, April 4, 2011 in Art, College Life, Extracurriculars, Student Life.

Last weekend, I went to see Juggleville at Langford Auditorium here on campus.  A bunch of my friends were performing as members of JPAC (the Juggling and Performing Arts Club on campus).  The show was incredible and was so much fun to watch.

Now I cannot juggle at all.  I sometimes drop my toothbrush while brushing my teeth, so the idea of people juggling rings, clubs, balls, scarves, blocks, and more really impresses me.  The performers in Juggleville spend hours a week practicing their various routines and learning new styles.  Most of them (including my roommate from last year) had never juggled before coming to Vandy, but now they can’t stop.  At the beginning of the year, in August, the Commons hosts a Student Organization Fair, where all the campus groups meet to recruit new members.  My friends saw the booth and decided to give it a try.  After a few weeks of Sunday afternoons spent juggling on Alumni Lawn, they decided to join in on the show and have loved. it.

This year’s show was called Dr. Jugglestein’s Apprentice.  It was essentially the story of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, following an assistant researcher who makes dolls come to life and juggle.  The show is filled with over an hour of juggling, with random breakdancing and other performances interspersed for extra entertainment.  I’d definitely recommend seeing the show, but also taking a chance like my friends did and learning a new skill.  I suggest getting involved in something outside your comfort zone.  They did, and they certainly love it!

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