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The “Oh My Gosh” Busy Month!

Posted by on Sunday, March 27, 2011 in General Information.

It appears as though I have taken a leave of absence from school based on my blog hiatus…but thats not true. The reason I have seemed AWOL is because the past month has been quite the ride academically and extra-curricularly. As you probably saw from Nathan’s earlier post, the Melodores took 2nd place in the ICCA South Semi-Finals. While that meant we did not immediately move on to Finals in New York, we have been given the opportunity to submit a video to be selected as the Wild Card! We have most definitely accepted this offer and have been busy planning this shoot. It’s not as cut and dry as people may think…just get the guys together in a room and run the set…right? Not if we want to make it entertaining! We have been busy setting up an event at a venue to film in; we have invited everybody that we know on campus to attend, in hope that the audience will pump up the energy level of our performance!

This doesn’t mean I get a break from the rest of my responsibilities as a Vanderbilt student. Ha. In fact, the workload has picked up substantially. Because of this, my goal has been to maximize the efficiency of my time. I have had to do something I don’t normally do: plan out my days. Yea, being a free-spirited kind of guy, I like to play days by ear and get things done when I feel like it, but sometimes when the going gets tough – I just have to do things during the time I set aside to do them.

For me, highly structured days can be very stressful. But, while I may not be able to completely control the events that occur in my life, I can control the way I interpret them. Instead of getting stressed about all the work getting piled on – I look at it as a test. A test of my mental strength and multitasking abilities. It’s just school work. It’s not going to kill me, so why not try to master it all? I’ve got nothing to lose!