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Posted by on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 in College Life, General Information, Nashville, Student Life, Weather.

When I was picking a college, I barely gave any thought to weather.  While I hate the cold, the longest I was ever outside was when I walked from my parking spot into my high school.  I figured college would be the same, but, with my parents’ urging, I thought a little more about location and picked a slightly warmer place than my hometown of St. Louis.

My parents urged me to consider weather when making my final decision, and I’m so glad I did.  Springtime seems to start so much earlier here than back home.  Winter is pretty short, starting after Thanksgiving Break and ending in mid- to late-February.  Even in then, the winter is not too bad.  I’m not saying it doesn’t get cold, but my tolerance for cold is pretty low compared to most people.  However, once spring starts, I love being outside, taking in the beautiful campus.  I can’t imagine what it would be like if I had gone somewhere north of here like many of my friends.  Instead I get to gloat about how warm it is here while they’re still walking around in parkas.

Our campus really is beautiful.  Trees, bushes, and flowers are blooming everywhere.  The grass is lush and green, and the trees are beginning to show their leaves.  It’s so nice outside that it seemed like everyone I know spent last weekend playing frisbee or football, or tanning on the quad.  Meanwhile, I was stuck inside doing work, glaring out my window at them.  We are lucky at Vanderbilt to have so many green spaces around.  Spring is definitely my favorite season here, and once you’ve seen the campus, it’s easy to understand why.  I’m so glad I finally considered weather when choosing a college.  Honestly, it’s just another reason why Vanderbilt was a perfect choice for me.

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