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Habitat for Humanity

Posted by on Saturday, March 26, 2011 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Nashville.

At 5:30 this morning, just as my roommate was getting into bed (I think that she is nocturnal), I woke up to go build a house with Vanderbilt’s Habitat for Humanity. On my walk from the Commons to the CPH (Community Partnership House) at 6 am, I was definitely second-guessing myself. Why did I wake up SO early to go build a house? Did I mention that it was 40 degrees (felt like 34) and raining?The build started promptly at 7 with an introductory meeting and breakfast. I couldn’t wait to get started. I was hoping the distraction of hard physical labor would make me forget that my fingers and toes were purple from the cold.

My friend Allie and I put up all of the doors inside the house. We also learned how to use a power saw to cut baseboards and window sills. I caulked, sanded and painted, and by 3 in the afternoon, when we wrapped up, I was exhausted!

Habitat is one of my favorite philanthropic organizations on campus. Through the builds and the other projects in which the organization partakes, we are able to connect with local volunteers and those locals who benefit from the Habitat’s service. Today, for example, I met a group of students from Watkins College of Art and Design (in Nashville), and the woman whose home we were building. When we took a lunch break, we even ran into a another group of Vandy students, representing the Interfaith Council. I suppose the Vanderbubble is a small world.

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