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A Magic Cool Bus Ride to the Heights

Posted by on Friday, March 25, 2011 in College Life, Extracurriculars, Freshman Life, General Information, Nashville, Student Life.

Last night, I was lucky enough to win a spot on the Magic Cool Bus. The Magic Cool Bus takes seven trips throughout the year to places like Graceland and Mammoth Cave. The trips are only open to first-year students and each trip is sponsored by a different Commons house. Last night’s Magic Cool Bus took us to Tennessee Performing Arts Center to see the 2008 Tony Award Winner for Best Musical, In the Heights!I wasn’t expecting to know anybody on the Magic Cool Bus. All of my friends signed up, but were put on a wait list because students living in the sponsoring house (Sutherland, in this case) were given priority. At the last minute, a spot opened up for one of my friends. When we got to the bus, we realized that almost everybody on the bus signed up alone, but we all knew each other anyway. I know I always talk about the Commons community. I think that there is something to be said for the overwhelming friendliness and willingness to participate on this campus.

The play was absolutely amazing. I definitely recommend it, even if you are not a musical theater junkie! If you happen to be in Nashville this weekend, In the Heights will be at TPAC until Sunday.

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