One of the many super-cool things about living at Vanderbilt, and especially at the Commons, is its proximity (duh) to Vanderbilt Medical Center. My house in particular, North House, is quite literally across the street from part of the Med Center, and so, in addition to seeing the towering form of one of the South’s best medical facilities, I get to hear ambulances screeching and helicopters landing all the time. Unfortunately for readers interested in hearing more about the Medical Center or going to Vanderbilt Med School, I am neither informed about nor interested in pursuing a medical career, so this article will be of little use to you. However, it should serve as a great example of the many service opportunities and heartwarming extracurricular activities Vandy has to offer.
This Friday night, the Vanderbilt Student Rec Center will play host to the Vanderbilt Dance Marathon. Many different student organizations, including my a capella group, The Melodores, will be performing to entertain and raise money for the Craniofacial Treatment Center at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital. The event promises to be a lot of fun and benefits a great cause – be there!