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My Friend Sarah

Posted by on Sunday, February 20, 2011 in Academics, College Life, Freshman Life, General Information.

Unfortunately, I have no interesting stories about myself, so I figured I would tell you about a friend of mine.

Sarah Kenny, from Dublin, Ohio, lives on my floor. She came to Vanderbilt with the whole-hearted intention of majoring in Secondary Education and Math. First semester, she took Calculus and Schools, Society and Teachers, in addition to some other classes which fulfilled her Peabody core requirements.

At the end of the semester, Sarah realized that education was no longer her passion. She decided to change her major to Human and Organizational Development, which is also in Peabody College. Sarah filled out a few papers and was assigned a new advisor. She said the process was painless and she is so much happier with her new classes and her new direction.

Basically, through Sarah’s experiences, I have learned the importance of truly enjoying your major. It’s okay to change your mind, and change your major. 18 year-olds aren’t supposed to know what they want to do. And even if you are an 18 year old, who thinks he knows what he wants, it’s ok to change your mind.

Sarah is awesome. She swallowed her pride and changed her mind.

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