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Valentine’s Day

Posted by on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in College Life, Dining, Food, Freshman Life, Student Life, Weather.

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and despite its unfortunate nickname of Singles Awareness Day, it was a really fun day for me and my fellow single friends! In my mind, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be solely about romantic love, but rather spending time with anyone you love, whether friends or family.

Of course, the day started off as usual with my morning classes, and I met my hallmates Kaila and Deanna for an early lunch. We had fun discussing this upcoming weekend (since both friends have loved ones coming in town) and enjoyed special desserts at Rand. After my next class, I walked to Fido and met Nikki, Aly, and my roommate Catey for a snack/late lunch (I’m not really sure how to classify it; basically, I eat a lot.) We pigged out on hummus and red velvet cake and explored Hilllsboro more, considering it was in the sixties and GORGEOUS outside. Later, I caught up with AOII sisters at Chapter and then ate at the Commons with Victoria, Jason, and Charles. There were also special Valentine’s Day desserts there that I had to sample and compare to the ones at Rand (the marshmallows covered in chocolate sauce at the Commons won, hands down). Afterwards, we went to Green Hills and saw No Strings Attached (yes, it was my second time…but it’s a good movie!), which was perfect for the occasion. Basically, it was one of the best Valentine’s Days I can remember because I got to just hang out with my best friends. I definitely felt the love.

P.S. The attached pictures are not actually from yesterday but this way anyone who’s curious can put a face with a name. And I don’t have pictures with Kaila and Deanna yet :(

1-Victoria Payne, Aly Hamby, Nikki Dahlson, Eileen Robinson (me), and our other friend/hallmate Grace Randazzo

2-My roommate Catey Boulay and me

3-Victoria Payne, Jason Gnasigamany, Charles Snow, and me last Halloween…aka Katy Perry, hula dancer, fairy, schoolgirl

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