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Student Health

Posted by on Thursday, January 27, 2011 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Health Care, Student Life.

The Varicella titer is necessary for anybody interested in shadowing a doctor or volunteering at the Vanderbilt Medical Center. I intend on shadowing a doctor this semester (more on that in a future post), so I went to the Student Health Center to get it.Apparently, Student Health has been a zoo this week, with the flu going around campus. Because I just went to have blood work done, I was quickly seated in the ‘healthy’ section. I definitely appreciated this, even though all sick patients immediately put on masks upon entering the building.

Rumor has it that Student Health is daunting and inefficient. In my experience, however, it is quick and easy. The staff is friendly and caring, and their services were greatly appreciated. Though I have not yet gone to Student Health to treat an illness, I would confidently go if I do get sick.

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