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New Year’s Resolution

Posted by on Monday, January 3, 2011 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Greek Life, Music, Nashville, Student Life.

It is the third day of the new year, and I think I’ve finally decided my resolution for 2011: to take more chances. I know this sounds like the biggest cliché, but I see why it is so popular. Sometime we get too comfortable in our routines and miss out on otherwise unforgettable experiences.

Now that I’m a veteran college student (haha), I think it’s about time for me to cross a few things off my bucket list. For example, my friend and I bought tickets to go skydiving sometime before April, and I cannot wait! I’ve always wanted to go but never actually tried to put the idea into action. Another upcoming experience I count as a chance would be rushing for a sorority. I’m a little nervous now but I’m excited to join a sisterhood and everything it entails. Also, I’ve lived in Nashville for a semester and only attended one concert! One! That is not acceptable to any music lover like me. The funny part is that the concert was a really random band at Exit/In that I watched with a friend who needed a performance attendance credit and we ended up having a great time! This next semester, I’m determined to discover new bands and experience the benefits of living in Music City.

When I do a quick review of the chances I took in the first semester, I’m so grateful I stepped out of my comfort zone. On the third day of school or so, I remember going to breakfast by myself and seeing another girl who was sitting alone so I asked if I could sit with her. We quickly discovered we were actually hallmates who had never met and now she’s my best friend.  2010 really was a great year for me, but there’s no reason 2011 shouldn’t be just as great, especially if I put my resolution into action.

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