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The Melonator 2 Concert – Verdict: Success!

Posted by on Thursday, December 2, 2010 in College Life, Diversity, Freshman Life, Music, Nashville, Student Life, Traditions.

Last night marked the Melodores‘ Winter Concert -The Melonator 2: Judgment Day. Why the movie theme? Well, we like to catch people’s attention with flashy flyers AND it is our second year at the whole acappella thing so we figured we should pick a movie that implied that it was a sequel to an otherwise AWESOME movie…at least we’d like to think we were at least close to being considered tantamount to a awesome movie :)

The concert was enjoyable for a multitude of reasons; seeing our hard work come to fruition is satisfying enough. The way I put it to the guys last night was through a little analogy; our past few months have been tedious, ultimately preparing for a vacation. We have been busy planning the nitty-gritty details and saving up money so we can have a good time during the vacation. Once all the planning was done, I made it clear that we should enjoy the vacation on stage and spend every last dollar while on that stage. I think the guys took to it really well! Everyone left it all on the stage.

Furthermore, as our president said last night, being such a new group allows for us to create traditions that will be kept with the group as long as it lives. We thankfully had 4/5 of our alumni come back to help out with the show (and also watch the new chapter of the Melodores perform for the first time). We implemented the tradition to invite alumni back each concert and sing our “alumni song” with all of us. It was a bittersweet experience having them all back again. Obviously it was great seeing them all again, but it was difficult accepting that they have all physically moved on new places, gotten jobs..and some of them even moved away to China… Their lasting impression that their dedication made will long outlive the single year the group has been formed for.

For those of you that missed the show, we were able to rent some HD cameras from Vanderbilt to get footage of the performance, so hopefully it will be up on YouTube soon!

To everyone that came out last night – thank you so much for your continued support! Our audience was plenty, their energy robust.

Photography by Vanderbilt’s very own talented Chris Honiball