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I am SO Jealous. Not really…But Actually I Really Am!!

Posted by on Thursday, November 11, 2010 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Music, Nashville.

So Vanderbilt has this program called “Commodore Cruises,” where students have the opportunity to enter their names into a drawing to win admission to LEGIT events around Nashville. These Cruises happen quite often, so there are many events that students can take part in. Examples of the kinds of outings we are lucky enough to be offered include: being bought dinner at a nice restaurant before attending lower level seating at a Predators‘ Hockey game, a private box with food at a Titan‘s game, tickets to the Nashville Sounds baseball game, tickets to see Bob Dylan downtown..and many more!

So why am I jealous? Well, my friend just texted me from her seat at the CMAs saying how much fun she was having. That is just SO COOL how Vanderbilt always reserves tickets to the biggest events around Nashville for students to have the opportunity to go to. By the way.. when you win these drawings..all events are totally FREE, so it’s very college student friendly.

If you are as cynical as I am about drawing and raffles, just know there are so many of these cruises that are offered during the year that your chances really are high. Furthermore, there are many opportunities that are open, for example, just to a specific dorm. I got an email a month or so ago offering members of my dorm to sign up if we was interested in eating a free dinner before being taken to see the Social Network right when it came out. Well, I was offered a spot to go to the movie…but it turns out I was busy that night. The point is – I’m not that bummed because there are plenty of opportunities to attend these special events throughout the year!

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