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Journaling the Experience

Posted by on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 in College Life.

Hey everybody out there! I’ve always wanted to have a journal I could look back on and do all the corny things you see in the movies—laugh at the funny memories, shed a few tears over the tough times, but mostly just remember. Remember my initial impressions of friends; remember running through the V at the football game; remember my first college exam; remember as many details of every day as possible, because this really is the best time of my life, so far. I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic but I completely understand what everyone meant when they said, “College is a blast,” “I wish I could go back to my time at college,” and “Try to get a little sleep at college.” This last comment might seem a little irrelevant but now that I’m here, I’m too busy having fun to sleep as much as I’d like.

So why am I blabbing so much about remembering? Because I want to share those memories with you too, with my blog, which is kind of like an online journal. I’ve only been at Vanderbilt for a month and already love the routine I’ve gotten into. You deserve to hear about all the great opportunities, and I’ll do my best to give you a real perspective of life at Vanderbilt, and just how awesome it is!

I’ve been at Vanderbilt for a month now, and the feeling of being a complete newbie is pretty much gone. Last night I finally went to Satco, the San Antonio Taco Company, a restaurant that everyone raves about, and it was delicious! There was a live band outside too so the whole place had a really cool atmosphere. I also got out of the Vandy bubble and saw a movie at the Green Hills Mall with a bunch of my hall mates (We saw Easy A and it was HILARIOUS! It was directed by the guy who did Fired Up, one of my favorite movies of all time!). I haven’t been shopping at the mall yet but I hear its MASSIVE and I can’t wait to go when I have some free time. Right now I’m pretty busy because I’m experiencing a wave of work—at Vanderbilt, tests and papers usually fall within a week of each other. It’s still easy to find a balance between work and fun though. My friends and I had a scary movie marathon in one of the seminar rooms last Friday and my RA is planning an outing to Hillsboro next weekend. I feel like no matter how long I’ve been here, there will always be more to do and see that I just haven’t gotten around to yet, and that’s a pretty exciting prospect.

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