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Alas, Senior Year

Posted by on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 in College Life.

Alas, it’s senior year.  So strange… It’s so strange to ruminate on what was, what is, and what will be.  You look at the people you stayed close to, and the ones who have drifted away.  You start asking yourself where the time went and wonder if it could get any better than this.

So far these things have struck me:

1.  My last ‘first’ day of classes as an undergrad.

2. My friends’ 22nd birthdays — What?! lol

3. Seeing so many new faces.  You find that you get to know the class above you and the class below you the best, and the class above (2010) just left the scene.

4.  People asking, “Where are you headed after college?” and I responding with, “Ask me in April!”

5.  Seeing my old residents (my freshman residents when I was a resident adviser sophomore) as juniors living in Towers (upperclassmen dorm) with me! How crazy is that?

6.  Facebook stalking seniors who graduated TWO years ago?! what? lol

7.  My body needing more than 5-6 hours of sleep a night – never thought that was possible!

8.  Taking my GREs & LSATs.

9.  Anticipating graduation – yes, already.  My parents have booked the hotel.

10.  A peaceful happiness that only senior year could bring.