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First Week of Classes…Update

Posted by on Monday, August 30, 2010 in College Life, Music, Traditions.

Quick update.. because I’m studying right now :) What a packed week. Classes started Wednesday but unfortunately my mind still has not adjusted. It’s still in summer mode. HA. Welcome back ready or not. In all seriousness, it’s good to be back in the swing of things. The new first-year and transfer students are really a breath of fresh air. I have had the privilege to meet many of them over the past week during move crew, around campus, dorms, through other friends and social events.

The highlight of last week was Spotlight, where many student organizations were able to showcase their talent in front of the new first year and transfer students. It is always a treat to entertain, but this event was especially enjoyable because I was performing in the show that was put on for my enjoyment last year. The event was put on my VPAC, the performing arts council on campus and executed very smoothly. My acapella group, the Melodores, performed and was very well received by the audience. I thoroughly enjoyed belting out the high notes with my fellow Melodores!