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A New Hobby

Posted by on Sunday, August 1, 2010 in General Information.

Being at Vanderbilt has influenced me in a way that I would not have been anywhere else. Being in Music City gives me such a vibe of motivation, like I can do anything. I mean, every day we are literally in the vicinity of most of the corporate offices and recording studios of major record labels, not to mention amidst celebrities and big names in the music industry. Furthermore, I have met so many interesting people at Vanderbilt. The old saying goes: “The friends you meet in college will last you a lifetime.” READ MORE if you want to find out about my EPIC new hobby.

Thanks to Facebook, I think keeping in touch with old friends is going to be a whole lot easier than it was, say, 30 years ago… This is not to say that I have lost touch with High School friends. In fact, I still keep up with the friends that I was closest with.

Getting to the point of this post, in the past year I have been so privileged to have been influenced by so many talented people at Vanderbilt. Just being around so much talent inspires me to want to be BIG when I grow up. Specifically, I have a friend that is very keen on audio production and editing – a concept that I had known existed, but was completely ignorant to the procedures of it. Through watching Shane Stever during the editing process and seeing his final products, I have wanted to learn how to do it myself. So I saved up some money, and with Shane’s guidance I got the necessary components and now I can’t go to sleep before 3 a.m. Studio recording has become my new favorite thing; It’s my anti-drug haha. It’s a lot of fun to do with friends too, recording duets and group takes and blending them together. My little brother and best friend had a great time messing around with the audio program last week. I have posted a couple of my projects thus far if you want to check them out here. To summarize, I wouldn’t have found this hobby had I not been at Vanderbilt and influenced by one of the most talented people.

In other news, the Melodores are in the final stretch toward releasing our first CD! It’s gonna be called “Rain Check” because we recorded it during the Nashville Flood and had some minor and major snafus. To see our most recent update click here. This is going to be the best CD Vanderbilt has ever seen, and likely one of the top acapella CDs ever produced. I am not kidding. Be on the lookout.