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Scrambling before the year ends…

Posted by on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 in Blair School of Music, College Life, Freshman Life, Music, Nashville.

The year winds down for the Melodores. NOT. After a crazy successful spring concert last week, we look ahead…to the very near future. NBC’s “Sing Off” auditions are imminently approaching and we are getting ready for them. We are in the process of trying to coordinate everybody from the group to come back to Nashville at the end of May because conveniently, auditions are here this year! We are so excited for a chance to show off all of our year’s hard work.

Details about our upcoming CD  below –

We are also in the process of mixing some of the music from our spring show last week. We are hoping to get our CD assembled very soon, including both live and studio recordings. Also, we are working to get some video from our concert up on the web for the world to view! Meanwhile, exams are closely approaching. I have my first exam tomorrow – juries for Blair. Gotta get all dressed up and sing for the voice department at Blair once again. I’m feeling pretty good about it – I’m determined to do better this semester!

In review: 1.  Sing off auditions soon – watch for us!

2. CD coming soon. Vanderbilt Melodores Site for details

3. Exams. Oh well…at least I’ll be home by May 3rd for a HUGE summer.

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