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My Professors are So COOL!

Posted by on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 in Academics, College Life.

I think that one of the best things about the end of the semester is those last few classes where my professors like to share their life stories! Now, not all of them will spend 30 minutes talking about their past jobs and experiences, but sometimes you will get lucky enough to get them off on a tangent talking about everything they have been involved in–and sometimes they will blow you away!

Yesterday, I learned that one of my Managerial Studies professors might just be one of the smartest people I have ever met!

READ MORE to learn for yourself just how cool he is…

Among other things, his resume includes:

  • Fastest reader in the world — was at one point in the Guinness Book of World Records
  • Enrolled at MIT at the age of 15
  • Graduated from MIT in 2.5 years
  • Has 3 other degrees from MIT
  • Has 3 libraries in his house, filled with over 21,000 books — he even had to have his house tested to make sure that it would be able to hold all of the books.

We had all known from the beginning of the semester that our professor was a fast reader, however we didn’t know quite how fast until yesterday… He said he is not even able to use a Kindle to read because the refresh rate is just to slow for him. He plans to try out an iPad later this week, but doesn’t think it will be fast enough either. Our TA, who has seen him read, says it is like watching him work out instead of relaxing because of how fast he is turning the pages. Now, you may think that it is great he can read fast, but can he remember what he reads? Well, yes. He has been tested and when asked anything about a book he has read, he can answer it correctly.

Let’s just say that I am really excited for the last day of class when he reads for us and gives us a lesson on speed-reading! (I’ll let y’all know how it goes!)

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