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Joining Campus Crusade (Written 4/4/2010)

Posted by on Monday, April 12, 2010 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Student Life.

Today for Easter I went to Campus Crusade‘s sunrise service on Love Hill.  It was beautiful – the view of the city of Nashville, the friends, the rising of the gleaming sun.

As a Junior, it’s hard to join a new student organization.  It’s uncomfortable.  Sure, you may have a few friends in there, but they don’t know you in the context of this organization.  Sometimes, when you show up to events and recognize no one, it’s even harder.

Recently, I started going to Campus Crusade, a college Christian organization.  I do have a couple of friends there, but I showed up early to a couple of events, and they didn’t get there until later.  However, does that mean I quit?

Nope.  Sometimes, it’s good to put yourself out there.  Get out of your comfort bubble.  Learn some new things.  See new horizons.  In order to get to those horizons, you must persevere.  You must go forth and persevere.  When I went early to their weekly gathering, I stayed.  Sure, I felt (and probably looked awkward for a while) but after five or so minutes, one of the residents in my building recognized me!  She came up and said hi to me.

Something else that’s great about Vanderbilt:  you’re at most one or two degrees away from people you don’t know.  I didn’t know that resident very well or that she went to Campus Crusade.  When you try new things or join new organizations, you’re bound to find someone you know or someone who knows one of your friends.

It’s nice that you’re always meeting new people, but you never feel like Vanderbilt is TOO BIG.  Vanderbilt is a medium sized school and that size assures you that you won’t cabin fever for your four years here.

So when you consider your schools be sure to look at their sizes.  It’s definitely a characteristic that matters.

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