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It's really all a blur

Posted by on Friday, April 23, 2010 in College Life, General Information.

It’s really all a blur! Freshman to Junior year.

Today I was instated as a citizen of the United States of America.  I’m proud to be a U.S. citizen.  The court proceedings were very serious and the judge’s speech made me a bit emotional.  The judge said, “Never be ashamed of where you are from…The strongest steel is made of many different metals.”  Steel was a metaphor for America as a country.  It was a beautiful.  I think the irony of it all is that I never appreciated my background from China as much as I did today.  I appreciate the unique perspective I have because I am Chinese more than ever.

Alongside me, I had two of my best friends at Vanderbilt:  Annalise Miyashiro and Marlowe Brant.  They came to support me during this very big moment in my life.  Afterwards, we went to a sushi buffet.

Today, I also took a moment to think about how the years went by – how best friends came and went, and who is standing by me today.  I thought about all the times I should have been the bigger person but I wasn’t or all the times that I was the bigger person and how it all worked out.  It’s all a blur.  It’s incredible how three out of the four most amazing years of my college life is almost over.  I have three more days of classes left.  3 final papers and 2 final exams.  1 BIG LSAT to go in June!

It’s one of those moments where I am just so thankful for all of the wonderful friends I have in my life.  I am also thankful for the not-so-great situations in my past, which has greatly contributed to the person I am today.  Although it is true that we, as humans, tend to make some of the same mistakes over and over again, I find that  remembering, contemplating, and soberly judging ourselves help us to not have to relearn those lessons.

Me and Annalise! When I first met her freshman year! :-)

Me and Marlowe when I first got to know her sophomore year! :-)

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