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Every Story has Two Sides

Posted by on Monday, March 22, 2010 in College Life, General Information, Music, Rites of Spring, Student Life, Weather.

Vanderbilt is a campus of wonders and amazement, but we are a very two-faced campus when it comes to certain things.  The weather and music scene are two of the more meaningful and important dichotomies that exist on campus!

Vanderbilt is located in the south, there is no arguing that. However what happens musically is everything but that! On campus music has usually little to no country. That is because we are in the country music capital of the world. If someone wants to see an artist perform, look no further than the few blocks right around campus. This by no means limits our wonderful music group from putting on exciting shows like Quake and Rites of Spring. In these days leading up to the big concert there are always student who complain about the lack of country in the line-up, my response to them, look outside your window once in a while.

The weather can be two faced as well. As I write this the weather is changing to a dreary 40 degrees with drizzle. Yesterday was 76 degrees and sunny. Not bad for a mid March day! Even in the winter, one day there can be snow accumulating on the ground and the next day may be 50 degrees or more. Due to this change in temperature, Vanderbilt’s seasons to me are not determined by temperature or dates, but rather by when our trees and pants bloom. Looking out my window I see Cherry Blossom trees and small bushes blooming along with daffodil’s rising up through the soft bed of pine needles. This to me, indicates that Spring is here.

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