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At the Tips of my Fingers

Posted by on Monday, March 8, 2010 in General Information.

Two days ago I downloaded the brand-new Vanderbilt dining app to my iPhone and never again will I go hungry! It tells me all the restaurants around Vanderbilt where I can use my Vandy card, when they are open, how far away they are, and their phone number. It really is the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Then I discovered the next coolest thing—2 more super helpful Vandy apps. One with a map of campus, and the other a calendar updated by Vandy with everything that is going on.  While I pretty much know where everything is on campus, when I’m going to parts of the hospital or engineering buildings that I’m not familiar with (being in the Peabody school, I don’t spend much time in that area) it is helpful to take a look at where I’m going.

The events app is so helpful too! There are always so many events going on around campus that it is impossible to keep them all on my personal calendar, so now I have them all at the tips of my fingers on my phone! If I have some free time, I can just look on my phone and see if there is anything I am interested in going on.

If you want to check these apps out for yourself, visit

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