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A Break before Break

Posted by on Friday, March 5, 2010 in College Life, General Information, Spring Break.

The week leading up to break is never easy. Teachers trying to get last minute assignments because we all know that the continuity of our class material will be severed by spring break. It feels good that I am writing this Thursday evening knowing that I have one assignment to go until freedom – my “Middle Ages and Renaissance Music” midterm… It will all soon be over.  I got a lot done this past weekend and this week so I now feel like I have earned the time I have to enjoy at home with the family and friends.

To reference the significance of the title, the past few days have not been as stressful as I expected. The professors have been really cool about class and workload. Knowing we have a lot on our plates in the week before break, some professors have taught watered down lectures (or shown films) and let class out early. I even had a few classes cancelled today and for tomorrow to accommodate our need to pack and get rest for midterms…something that I was not expecting at all. It’s not often that we get breaks like this in life; I really appreciate how personable and generous the faculty are here.

I want to address a convention that I feel like Vanderbilt is able to break. Most people want to “get the heck out” of the school that they are in for break. While it will be nice to go home, I am definitely going to miss my independent life here, among other things. Also, not everybody is going home. Not everyone wants to get the heck away from school. We all love it in Nashville. A lot of people are staying on campus hanging with people or going out about town finding things to do or networking opportunities. Vanderbilt is not like many college towns that totally shut down when school is out. Whether school is in or not, Nashville keeps chuggin’ along.

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