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Week # 7

Posted by on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 in Academics, Blair School of Music, College Life, General Information.

This past weekend was a busy one. Being in Blair, we are required to attend certain performances when faculty or other professional musicians perform. I attended a stellar show featuring our own Blakemore Trio (faculty pianist, cellist and violinist). They also played behind the well known composer and Soprano Susan Botti. The show was very entertaining; the playing was virtuosic as is normal for Blair faculty and visiting musicians.

As soon as that finished, I had to book it to the Rec center for the VU Dance Marathon raising money for the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. For 12 hours there was entertainment from student groups, games and high spirits from all. My acapella group performed a few numbers and fortunately was well liked by the audience. After that I went back to my dorm to try and get some sleep as the next day was going to be even busier….

I wake up Saturday morning and start writing a paper due Monday. After a couple hours of work, I went to practice with my acapella group for another 2 hour block of time. As soon as that ended, the entire group hauled over to Memorial Gym to get in line for the Kentucky – Vanderbilt Men’s basketball game. This game was huge – #2 KU vs #19 VU. They won last time so we naturally wanted to even the series and extend our home win streak to 19 games in a row. As you can imagine, the line to get in the student section was quite lengthy. About 4,000 people were in line for maybe 3,000 spots. Some people even camped out the night to get a spot in line. I was lucky enough to get in because…I knew a few people higher up in line. Shhh Please don’t tell anybody!

The outcome wasn’t what everyone was hoping: a 56-58 loss to a team we could have easily taken down. A great game all things aside…officiating a little questionable but it was at least a dramatic and emotional game. My voice took a couple days to recover from that afternoon…

I had to leave the game a few minutes early to get catch a cab downtown with my theatre workshop group as we were required for class to see the Pulitzer prize, Tony award-winning play “Proof.” It was a great time hanging with the voice majors outside of school for once.

Sunday was my workday. Had to finish my paper and get all the assignments done for my classes. We do what we have to do so we can do what we want to do…

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