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A Different Approach

Posted by on Thursday, February 25, 2010 in Academics, Athletics, Blair School of Music, College Life, General Information.

Today Julie Simpson, Professor of Voice at the University of Colorado at Boulder, came to conduct a master class for the voice department at Blair. Before today, I knew what a master class was, but had never been lucky enough to attend one. Not to insult the intelligence of people that already know, but for those that don’t – a master class is typically an informal student recital run by a visiting artist. Five students were selected by audition to perform today and were able to sing a piece of choice.

After each person sang, she went into her detailed take on their interpretation, diction and technique of the song. It was hugely beneficial to experience her different teaching approach, because while we have an outstanding faculty at Blair, sometimes a change in wording makes a certain concept click in one’s head. Also, Julie Simpson was able to reinforce some technique ideas that my voice teacher had already mentioned to me just by communicating it differently. Talking to my friends after the master class, we all were very grateful for the opportunity we had today. We all can’t wait to hear Ms. Simpson give a recital on Saturday night.

On a completely unrelated note – Men’s basketball won again! Settled the score with Georgia after they pulled off a fluke win last time we met… Go Vanderbilt!

One more week until Spring Break! I get to see my family, friends and girlfriend after two months away this time. After we get back from spring break there will only be about six weeks left of class!

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