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I am large. I contain multitudes!

Posted by on Monday, December 21, 2009 in College Life, General Information.

I’m sitting now at the kitchen table of a Florida apartment, watching an old episode of The Daily Show with LeBron James as a guest, and I am exhausted. Woke up today, around 530 A.M. hopped on the plane—actually saw and spoke with a girl I knew from Vanderbilt who was on my plane—and landed in Florida around 12:30 p.m. It was nice to spend a week home in New York, seeing family and hanging out with friends, but I’m glad to be out of New York for a little bit. Let’s just say, it’s freezing in New York.

Saturday through Sunday it snowed like no other, and I woke up Sunday morning to 10-14 inches on my front door step. I felt surrounded, and for the entire day, because our driveway wasn’t plowed and the roads were icy, I stayed inside.

Now, I’m naturally a pretty energetic off the wall guy, and since my parents were busy finishing work up and packing for our trip to Florida, and my brother was doing homework for school (he’s in high school), I was pretty bored all day. In between eating, annoying family members, and revisiting the same sites on the internet—your facebook, your, your email etc—I spent the day pacing around the house, trying to find something to do. There’s only so much T.V. that can be watched.

Finals this year were rough, not too bad, but a lot of papers jammed into two weeks meant very little sleep for my last few days at Vanderbilt, and meant that I basically lived in Stevenson Library for a solid week. Day and Night were foreign concepts to me, that Kid Cudi track didn’t help much either at 4 A.M., sleep deprived and not yet finished with work. But I made it out alive, I finished, I did well on my papers (I think, I hope) and I’m looking forward to enjoying this much needed vacation. I hope to get some sun, read some books, maybe even write, and get on a good sleep schedule (this never happens but we’ll see).

Oh, I’m leaving this Monday from Florida and heading down south to Brazil to spend 12 days with a college friend—Cedric—and his family. I haven’t really been out of the country much—skiing in Canada a few times—so I’m really excited to do that. I tend to be oblivious sometimes, wrapped up in my own thoughts, so naturally my parents are worried. But I think it’s going to be an awesome adventure, and I’ll do my best to “keep my wits about me” as my mom desperately asks me to do.

If you’re a high school senior, and you’re anything like I was senior year of high school around this time, this break will be stressful for you and will consist of many college essays—good luck and I’ll be sure to enjoy my vacation for the both of us. Don’t obsess over the essays, don’t waste time on facebook and the internet, just get it done and get some sleep!

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