Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s Thanksgiving, and I’ve just consumed far too much delicious food (my family eats pretty early in the day). Thanksgiving has caused me to be a bit nostalgic and think over the past couple of years, and my time at Vanderbilt is definitely a huge part of what I’m thankful for this year!
As a senior, I can’t believe that time will soon be coming to a close–I’ve made some of my closest friends in my time at Vanderbilt, been a part of many amazing events, and learned so much. Every year, I marvel at how Vanderbilt and Nashville start to feel more and more like home.

It’s amazing to be a part of the Vanderbilt community, and thankfully that’s something that will stick with me even after I graduate–whether it’s through celebrating Vanderbilt’s wins, sporting my Vandy gear, or just staying in touch with the amazing friends I’ve made. These four years at Vandy will certainly stick with me for the rest of my life.
And lastly, now that you’ve stuck with me despite my nostalgia and sappiness, on behalf of my wonderful Inside ‘Dores family, we’d like to say thank you for reading! We’re thankful that we know parents and prospective students are out there reading our posts, and it sure makes blogging even more fun and exciting for us!