Free Flu Shots!
Today was Vanderbilt’s annual Flulapalooza, a huge campaign through which all Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff are invited (encouraged, actually) to get a free flu shot. The campaign started three years ago, and last year we broke the world record for most flu shots given in a single-day campaign.
As expected, the process was really easy. I actually went over to Light Hall with my sister, Brittany, and her roommate, Emily. They both had strep throat a few weeks ago, and my sister’s roommate actually had pneumonia as well! They are completely better now, but there is no need to risk getting sick again this semester. I convinced them (forced them) to join me at Flulapalooza. Poor little freshmen had no idea where to find Light Hall, so I guess they needed me more than they let on.
When we arrived at the building, we flashed our Commodore Cards and then we were ushered to a tent where twenty vaccine stations were set up. All of the shots were administered by Vanderbilt RNs and we were documented by assistants working on iPads at each station. The shot itself was quick and painless. We were in and out of the tent in five minutes. I didn’t even need a band-aid! Only now, a few hours later, am I beginning to feel a slight soreness in my left arm.
Brittany and Emily have really been through a lot- mostly good- in their few weeks at Vanderbilt. I think that Flulapalooza was their first taste of how extensive the Vanderbilt community truly is. We waited in line with doctors, professors and maintenance workers. This also proved to them how much Vanderbilt cares about maintaining a healthy community. Also, I don’t know about for Emily, but this was definitely my sister’s first time getting a shot without holding her mommy’s hand. At least she got a sticker when she was done!