Cheers to the Weekend
This past weekend was one of my favorite weekends spent at Vanderbilt thus far. Believe me, that is saying a lot. On Thursday, I went downtown with a group of friends to ‘live on the green’. Live on the green is an outdoor concert series that has been occuring every Thursday evening since August 8th. Each Thursday night there are a number of bands that take the stage to perform. Last Thursday, The Leagues and Lulu Mae opened the show- two bands that I was unfamiliar with, but enjoyed tremendously. After them, Local Natives (!) took the stage and blew the crowd away. It was my first opportunity to see them, but I know that it won’t be my last! It was really great getting off campus and starting my weekend off right with great music and friends. In case any of y’all are interested, ‘Live on the Green’ is held downtown in the public square park, and the last show of the year is tomorrow night! So definitely check it out if you have the chance (and it is free!!!)

On Friday evening, my friends and I ventured off campus yet again to head to the TN State Fair. Last year was our first time attending the fair. We all had the time of our lives last year (unlimited ride bracelets automatically=the most fun), so we promised one another that we would all head back for our senior year. This year, we managed to hit up all of the rides (many of them two or three times), enjoyed great carnival food (I had fried oreos!) and saw cool fair-things (animals, giant pumpkins, and a lot of clowns). The fair is running until September 15th-so again if you are in town, I definitely recommend checking it out (and buying an unlimited ride band, naturally).

Saturday was game day! I was up bright and early tailgating and getting ready to root on the Dores against Austin Peay. The football game itself was a ton of fun, and it was great seeing all of our students flood the stadium yet again!!! Each football game seriously gets better and better. Like I said, this weekend was one of the best weekends I have had at Vanderbilt. It was great getting off campus and exploring Nashville, it was great going to the game, it was great seeing the football team win, and it great hanging out with my awesome friends. This upcoming weekend has the potential to top this past weekend however, as I am headed to Columbia, South Carolina with a phat crew to watch Vanderbilt crush the gamecocks.

Over and out,