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Senior Year- A Different Schedule

Posted by on Sunday, August 25, 2013 in Academics, College Life, General Information, Student Life.

I cannot believe that this is my last fall at Vanderbilt. Between football games, Homecoming week the opening of Alumni Hall, this semester is sure to fly by. Because I am a senior, my schedule is a weird mix of classes that I need to complete my major and AXLE. Thus, although the timing of classes is not the best, I was able to find five interesting classes that will enable me to finish my degree.

First, I am taking Human Anatomy and Physiology. This class actually does not count for my major or for AXLE, but I wanted to study the human body before I get to medical school. This class is offered to undergraduates, but it is actually through the School of Nursing. This is another way that Vanderbilt integrates all of its campuses and schools. I am enjoying the exposure to a graduate-level course.

This semester, I am taking three communications courses. Women, Rhetoric and Social Change is taught by my advisor, who I have had before and I love. I am especially excited about this class because my professor has told me numerous times that this is her favorite class that she teaches. My second class, The Rhetoric of Religion, is also taught by a professor that I have had previously and who I enjoyed. This class is a special topics course and it has not yet been taught. This will be only my second course at Vanderbilt that deals with religion. It is definitely not one of my strongest areas but I am so excited to learn about it.

My final communications class is actually an independent study course. I am enrolled in three hours, which will result in a 30+ page paper on the topic of my choice. My proposal is still in the works, but I am leaning toward combining my passion for medicine with my discipline of rhetoric. I want to analyze the rhetoric of medical consultants and doctors on TV (ie Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, and the like). It makes me nervous that I am old enough for the Department of Communications Studies to entrust me with an independent project.

My final class is an honors seminar entitled Don Quixote and Experimental Fiction. I have always been interested in, but intimidated by, Don Quixote, so I am excited to read it with my professor, who I also had last year. I know that he will make the book understandable and engage us through class discussions and written exercises.

All in all, I am content with my schedule. The subject matter of all of my classes intrigues and I am excited for the breadth of topics which I will be studying!

Thank goodness I am not taking any math classes

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