Weekend 4: Exploring Nashville Some More!
Today, I bring you a short synopsis of our 4th weekend of Nashville adventures, complete with a rhyming title, of course! Caitlyn and I continued our mission to do something new and inexpensive in Nashville, and weekend four did not disappoint.
On Thursday (practically the weekend), we headed with fellow OUA workers to Elmington Park for a free movie! Every Thursday in June, there’s a free movie shown in Elmington Park on a giant screen and food trucks (Caitlyn’s favorite, Retro Sno, was there) and other food vendors come out. You can bring blankets and/or lounge chairs and watch the movie which starts at dusk. We went straight after work to claim a prime spot on the lawn, and soaked up some summer sun while we waited for the movie to start.

That Thursday, the last of June, they were showing Pitch Perfect. I had heard lots of good things about the movie but hadn’t yet seen it–it definitely lived up to the hype! It was also a really fun atmosphere. Pro tip if you go: be sure to bring bug spray, as Nashville nights can get a little buggy. We, thankfully, remembered ours.

On Friday, other than some thrift shopping for fourth of July, we mostly just hung out at our apartment. Saturday marked the coming of my mom (she came to visit for the whole week!) and the beginning of a whole host of Nashville and near-Nashville adventures–aided by the fact she drove here so we now had access to a car. Stay tuned for the chronicles of those adventures (most likely in list form)!